GB News stars clash in fierce on-air row over Russell Brand

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GB News presenters Beverley Turner and Andrew Pierce got caught up in a fierce on-air row after she tweeted her support of Russell Brand.

Andrew blasted his co-star’s tweet as ‘shameful’ after she called the 48-year-old comedian a ‘hero’ following his video denying allegations of rape and sexual assaults between 2006 and 2013.

The allegations were made in a Channel 4 special episode of Dispatches airing in a joint investigation with The Times, and Brand – who denied the ‘very serious allegations’ in a video shared on Friday night – has been accused by multiple women, including one who claimed she was 16 years old at the time.

On Saturday morning, before the documentary aired, Beverley tweeted that the comedian and actor was being ‘attacked’ by ‘establishment media’ and encouraged him to keep going with his YouTube channel which often rails against these outlets.

During Monday’s GB News show, the pair discussed the post on X (formerly Twitter) as they spoke about the allegations against Brand and Andrew labelled it ‘shameful’.

‘You have dismissed in one tweet a four year investigation by The Sunday Times, the Times and Channel 4 is contemptuously the mainstream media,’ he argued.

‘Don’t you think before you say someone’s a hero, you should establish whether these very serious allegations are true?’

‘Before I tweeted that, I had spoken to several sources close to Brand, close to The Times,’ Beverley responded. ‘I was confident that there is no smoking gun in this regard. I remain confident having watched the Dispatches.’

She added: ‘Of course everybody has the right to not be sexually assaulted. Anybody who has been sexually assaulted, my heart goes out to them. This happens every single day.’

Pierce suggested he did not feel there was ‘sympathy’ for the four women who have raised these allegations, adding that he was ‘shocked’ at her statement of support for Brand.

She wrote at the time: ‘You are being attacked @rustyrockets. Establishment media don’t know what to do with the fact that you have 6million subscribers & generate autonomous, knowing and original content.

‘You are welcome on my @GBNEWS show anytime. We are mainstream media. But we are not Establishment media. There’s a difference. Keep going. This proves you are winning. You’re a hero.’

In recent years Brand has seemingly become a prominent conspiracy theorist, using his YouTube channel with more than 6.6 million subscribers to cover topical news stories, including alleged misinformation surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic and being an outspoken sceptic of vaccinations.

During Monday’s broadcast, she insisted Brand is a ‘threat to all of these newspapers’ and mainstream media, claiming such outlets ‘gave one side of the pandemic’.

‘It’s now about covid again,’ Andrew shouted. ‘This is not about covid, it’s about seriously allegations about a public figure who has been accused by four women… You’re banging on about Covid. You’re obsessed!’

‘The reason he’s a hero to millions of people… is because of his position on politics in the last three years,’ she replied. ‘When he was a left wing darling, everybody loved him… Now, the press hate him, They’ve turned against him.’

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